Presenting A DSS Based Simulation for Maintenance and Vehicles Repair Problem

Document Type : Original Article


1 Mechanical Engineering Department UET, Taxila, Pakistan

2 College of Engineering, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia


Maintenance support system is formed by all the needed support resources which are related and coordinated
between each other to achieve certain objectives such as operational availability of the supported object during its
life cycle. This paper describes the decision support system using simulation in the dynamic environment of vehicles
repair and maintenance. The study illustrates a case relevant to repair and maintenance decision support system, in
which different feasible scenarios has been modeled and modules developed for the analysis and improvement of the
existing system. This is done by process mapping of the existing systems and modeling of the existing system in
simulation language. Various feasible alternatives illuminated a pathway to significant improvements in customer
service, management of work in process, resource utilization, over time and cycle time. It has been learnt that WIP
and overtime are the major impediments in the system affecting the performance of the system which can be
controlled by suggesting feasible alternatives.
